Monday, October 3, 2011

Warrior Dash 10.1.11

OMG! So... Warrior Dash was probably THE funnest thing I have ever done!! What a great time!!

We left Friday around 5:30pm. Traffic was okay in the beginning. Once we got to Virginia, it started to suck... terribly! We were barely moving at all. Eventually it turned out there was a big RV broken down in the middle of the highway!! That slowed traffic down so much, but even after we passed it, traffic still kinda sucked.

We ended up getting there at about 9ish. Can't quite remember. But it was way later than the GPS said we would!!

The first thing we did was go to WAWA, which conveniently happened to be in the same parking lot as the hotel! Woo hoo! The hotel was very nice!! It had a bar and all types of food. Kind of like how Starbucks has pastries, salads, sandwiches, etc. It was cool!

We ate in the room and then watched some TV. We all tried to go to sleep around 11:00pm. We all pretty much fell asleep right away, but then me, my sister and Amy all woke up around 2:00am and couldn't get back to sleep! It was awful. Lucky Sam slept the whole night! lol:)

We woke up at 6:30am, got dressed and went downstairs for the continental breakfast! Mmm! It was REALLY good! Especially for being a hotel breakfast. They had mixed fruit, grapefruit, yogurt, cereals, milk, orange juice, bagels, English muffins, toast, banana nut muffins, etc. So delicious. I definitely ate more than I should have, but I couldn't pass up free breakfast!! lol:)

We all walked outside and were shocked by how cold it was!! And it was sprinkling too! It sucked because we didn't have jackets to wear. We weren't expecting the weather to be like this, I guess! Oops:)

Warrior Dash was about 20 minutes away at this big farm plantation place. It was a long dirt road to get there, and we parked in a corn field! lol.

We made our way down to the packet pick up. Got our bibs, shirts and warrior helmets! Then we checked our bags in and got prepared!!

We had to stand around for a little while, waiting for our wave to start at 9:00am. It was freezing cold!! And it started to rain a little harder. The only thing that helped was moving all around!! Jumping jacks, butt kicks, etc.

There were lots of interesting costumes there! We saw zombies, Mario, pigs, Darth Vader, and guys in full on suits! lol! It was hilarious the stuff that people ran in! I dunno how they did it!

Finally the race started and we were off!! The path was a mix of gravel, dirt, big rocks, and mud!! At first it was pretty dry. Then we started to come up on big puddles and thick mud. We tried to avoid it when we could, but there were certain times you just had to run through it!

The beginning was just a long run, I'd say about 1 mile. We were running through the woods... uphill, downhill, through a field, then we came up on our first obstacle, Barricade Breakdown. Walls and barbed wire. You had to crawl under the wall of barbed wire, then jump over the (I'd say) 4 foot walls. Of course Sam got stuck on the first set of barbed wire! lol. That was rescue Sam number 1!

While we were running to our next obstacle, Sam twisted her ankle!:( It actually hurt her pretty bad, so we started walking for a little bit. My sister also needed a little break. She doesn't run like the rest of us do, so it was definitely a challenge for her! It also hurts her hip when she runs, but she really toughed it out! I was so proud!:)

The next obstacle was the Rubber Ricochet. It was just a bunch of big tires, tied to ropes, swinging all around. It wasn't too bad, as long as the person in front of you didn't push the tires too hard and make them fall back on you!

Next was Road Rage. First you had to step through a bunch of tires that were lying flat on the ground. Then there was about 6 cars all next to each other. They were cut up, smashed, and mangled. You had to crawl over top of them to get to the next set of tires on the ground. It was pretty difficult!! Especially because they had muddy water on top of them, which made it really slippery. Some even had sun roofs that were open, and one car had a trunk that wouldn't stay closed! Apparently Sam belly flopped onto one of the cars! LOL! Oh Sam...

After that was Chaotic Crossover. A flat cargo net that you had to crawl across. It really wasn't too bad,  if you used the right strategy! Me and Roch got across really fast! You basically had to stand on the ropes and lean to one side, instead of crawling like a spider.

Next was my favorite one and our real first taste of the mud! Dead weight Drifter! It was this gross little pond, stream thing, with floating logs in it! You had to go into the water, which you couldn't even touch the bottom of at one point, and climb over the logs. Of course right as we stepped into the muddy water, Sam's shoe gets stuck! (Sam Rescue number 2!) She also pulled down Amy in the process lol! Once we finally got up, we see Amy's feet up in the air, falling back into the water lol. She was on top of the log, then some girl rolled it towards her, causing Amy to fall off.

The best strategy was to superman dive right over the logs! Your face would end up in the gross water, but oh well! My bib also got torn off, luckily one pin held it on! That was definitely a fun one!

Teetering Traverse was the next one. Easy! All you had to do was go up, across, and down these skinny planks of wood with notches in them. It wasn't bad at all. I felt like I flew across that one!

Deadman's Drop. This one sucked! It was like a big ladder you had to climb, with a big hurdle to get over at the top. The wall was kind of slanted too, which made getting over it really hard. Once you did get over the top, there was one more step, then a straight drop down! Really scary!! I don't like heights that much, so it was pretty tough to slide down!

The Great Warrior Wall was the one we were most worried about. It was a tall wall. Straight up and down. With tiny little ledges to put your feet on, and a rope to pull yourself up! I was surprised I could do it! It wasn't too bad, except for the rope really hurt your hands. It was so rough!

Once you climbed down from that, you had to wade through water. I just googled it, and it was called the "Tar Bay" which runs off of the Chesapeake Bay. The water was about thigh deep, and surprisingly warm! That part was easy:)

We were nearing the end! I knew because we could hear the music coming from the main stage. The next thing was Cargo Climb. A bigggg cargo net that you just had to climb over and down. Not really hard at all! Just tall!

Once we all grouped up at the bottom of that, we decided to all hold hands and jump over the two fire pits at the same time! lol! It was so fun. Not difficult at all! The fire felt pretty good, actually!:)

The final obstacle! Muddy Mayhem!! The dirtiest of them all. You step into a shallow pit of mud, and crawl/float under barbed wire. Sam stepped into it and right away her foot got stuck in the mud! lol. I sat there trying to pull her out, while people yelled "Pull!!" "No man left behind" lol!! Eventually we freed Sam, and continued on. All finally crossing the finish line! Yay:)

It was such an amazing, fun time!! I cannot wait to do it again!! And, lucky us, we get free registration for the next race!! Last minute they informed us they couldn't serve alcohol at the race, so they waived the parking free and gave us all a free race:) Sweet! We're definitely going to the one in Maryland, in May 2012!

Well, that's my long blog for the night!! I'm not sure if we're doing a Biggest Loser again or not! But I suppose I'll just weigh in this week at work, anyways:)

Thanks for reading!!!


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