Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Even though I was SO tired and did not want to get up extra early to do the Shred, I did it!!
I finished the whole dvd too:) The only part that gets me every time is the first circuit of cardio! Jumping jacks, jump rope, jumping jacks, jump rope... for a total of 2 minutes. But it feels like forever! I know cardio is the best though, I just wish it would get easier!!

Oh, by the way... I walk up the steps from P3 (parking garage) to the 1st floor EVERY TIME. Hoping to one day make it all the way to the 6th floor, but that's gonna take some time lol:) I also go down the steps every time I leave work... hey, every little bit helps!:)

I'm loving all the support from my Facebook friends, work friends, family, everyone! Thank you all!:)

11 hours to go...


My favorite DVD :)


  1. I'm so proud of you!!.. Looking sexy everyday..

  2. OOo Finished huh? Willing to lend it out for 30 days? lol

  3. Jo, I actually meant that I just finished the whole 30 minutes lol. I'll need to do the shred for life if I wanna stay in shape lol. But Walmart has them for like 10 bucks :)
