Sunday, March 3, 2013

Marching On

March... my favorite month of the year! If you don't know why, you might wanna do some research. Besides the obvious, there's lots of other cool things about this month. It's going to be spring, that I love! Although there is some crazy talk going around about snow. Snow? Nooooo. I hate snow! And it better not ruin my plans. 

My mom's birthday, St. Patrick's Day, and a class reunion for our 1 year anniversary are just a few of the activities planned for March. I can't believe it's going to be 1 year already. Seems like just yesterday we were all so nervous for our first day of the academy. We didn't know each other, we were scared and excited. And now things are so different. We all have experienced so much already. Some of us are finished with our rookie books, some are still in the process. Speaking of rookie books, I finished mine last night! I'm so happy to be done with it! It's not that I'm going to stop learning, but it just feels great to have that weight off my shoulders. Now I can work on the stuff that really counts... the hands on stuff!

Looking at my February calendar, I'm feeling pretty pleased. I only missed 3 days of working out that weren't because of work. Although one of the days was because I did OT and ran out of time to work out. Besides that, I was pretty dedicated, and it has paid off. I'm noticing a difference and I did lose weight! Here's a quick weigh in:

Previous Weight - 157.2 (11/8)

Current Weight -  156.2 (2/20)

Weight Lost - 1 Pound

It's not much, and it sure did take forever to lose it, but it's something. I struggle so much more now, but I won't give up. I think the challenge of trying to get to my goal weight is what keeps me going. It gives me something to keep working towards. Even if I'm not at the weight I want, I do notice that my body is starting to look much more toned and more strong. That's what's most important to me now, anyways... getting strong! And one huge indicator that I'm actually getting stronger is the fact that I can do pull ups now! I did 5 the other day. I was so happy! This is the first time I've ever been able to do them. Hard work does pay off:-)

My eating habits at home have been great. The meals at work are fantastic now that Bobby is dieting. The other day we had granola for breakfast!! Shocking, I know! But I'm so happy about it. Now if me and Eddie could just stop buying so much junk food throughout the shift then I might be able to lose some weight!:-P

Ahhh... yes, me in a bathing suit! A little scary, but I'm a tad happy with how I look in it. I just really wanted to be able to buy a bathing suit from Victoria's Secret, so I finally did! I love the color. Tiffany blue. It's all the rage, or so it seems. It's even cuter in person because it has a kind of crochet look to it. I'm pretty happy with my purchase:-)

So I haven't written in awhile and I felt like I had so much to talk about, but now I'm not really in the writing mood. I'm feeling pretty tired, actually. Last night had to be one of the busiest shifts ever. I tried to go to bed at 10:30PM and woke up 8 times after first laying down!!! 5 of those 8 times were after midnight. And NONE of those calls were legit. All BS!

Anyways, March is off to a good start so far. I'm feeling great, I've worked hard, and accomplished some pretty good stuff. I'm happy, I'm healthy, and I'm working on reaching all my goals. I can't complain:-)

Well, time to watch some Walking Dead! I'll holla atcha later, blog!

Thanks for reading:-)


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