I couldn't possibly be in a better mood to write a blog as I am now. I'm on the couch, wearing my Snuggie, Chief is on the floor next to me, I'm drinking tea, and listening to Pandora. This is the definition of "lazy day" in my book. Except, it hasn't been all that lazy. I woke up at 6am to go down to the Academy and take a class called "NFPA 1403: Conducting Live Fire" so now I can officially start fires for people in training. Woop! Kinda cool. Next week I am taking the 2 day course "Adjunct Instructor School" so that I can do more hands on teaching with future recruits and what not!
The class I took this morning was pretty cool. My Officer took it with me so that was nice. It was also kind of cool that we got the same score! Haha;)
I like that quote up there a lot! I think it's so true! I can really relate to it, considering I feel so much stronger and accomplished now than I ever have in my life. It's pretty cool being able to do things you never thought were possible. Not even just physical things, but social things as well. Having a confidence boost can really improve a lot of aspects of your life!
After I finished writing my last blog, Charlie and I went over to Annapolis Mall and shopped around. I fought off the urge to make a very big purchase, and instead I ended up with this cool new tea maker! I went to the store Teavana and the guy showed me all this stuff and gave me a sample of some tea. It was so good, I had to get it! I definitely plan on going back there again.
My eating habits have been great since then. I've been counting my calories regularly and making great choices. I feel a lot better and the scale is already showing some improvement, which brings me to the title of this blog. Pride. Being proud. Something I struggle with. Not really with other people, but mainly with myself. I can't seem to ever feel that proud of my accomplishments so far. I try to, and I think I am somewhat, but I still get those days where I can only feel like I'm disappointed. I guess I get nervous of being "over confident" or "cocky" by showing pride in myself. But, I am very proud of a few people in my life!
Recently, Charlie decided to start doing "Couch to 5k" which my long time readers know about. It's the same program I did when I first started losing weight. It's a program, in app form, or online, that slowly gets you into running. You increase your time/distance every week till eventually you can do a 5k, or at least close to it. He's already on week 5! I'm extremely proud of him for finally committing to something and not only that, but enjoying it! At least, it seems that when we he talks about it to me. I'm really happy that he's being really dedicated to it. He runs every shift and then every morning when he gets off work. I don't even have the discipline to do that! But that's mostly because we get crushed on the ambulance at night, and Howard County is slow;) Hehe, sorry Charlie!
Now, the other people that I'm very proud of are the guys on my shift! I'm actually slightly shocked. Two shifts ago they started a weight loss competition between 32 and 21, including the Battalion Chief. I didn't join in because I'm really not able to lose weight competitively anymore, so it didn't feel worth it to me. But! It is working out in my favor so far! Last shift, my Officer cooked healthy meals for all 3 meals of the day. Anyone that knows Bobby or has eaten his food, knows that it's not the healthiest. Every meal had to include meat, potatoes, cheese, butter, and bread. I found it extremely difficult to eat smaller portions there because the food was so amazing. But last shift... wow! I'm really proud of Bobby for being able to change his ways and cook us some healthy stuff. Him and John Michael have already lost weight! I'm really excited for them and I so hope that they can keep this up! Especially because I'm loving it!
Pictured to the right is my hand after a boxing session. It doesn't really do it justice. My knuckles were all red and bruised looking, and between those two fingers was a red bruise looking thing. It was so worth it though. I had never for real "boxed" in my life, but I was at the gym and my trainer just asked me out of nowhere if I wanted to try, so I agreed! It was a blast. And such a good workout! I was so tired. I can't wait to try it out again.
The last thing I wanted to talk about was my new challenge to myself. I decided to give myself a challenge and see if I can follow through and keep a promise to myself. So here it is...
I, Anna LaGrave, promise NOT to eat ANY food whilst out drinking, be it Looneys or any other bar. The only exception will be when the occasion is specifically deemed "Dinner and drinks" in which case I may eat, but intend to make a healthy choice.
I shall continue this challenge until my birthday, March 21st. The consequences of my failure to follow the rules has yet to be determined.
Anna LaGrave
There you have it. From here on out, no more drunk bar food, no pizza, no McDonalds, not even food when I get home from the bar. Nothing. I will, however, eat a good meal prior to going out to avoid the possibility of becoming highly intoxicated from having nothing to eat.
Ok, now I am starting to feel that a nap is in order until it's gym time! Have a happy Friday, everyone!
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