Greetings my dedicated readers! How are you all doing?:)
I'm excited to write this blog for a few reasons. First off, it's my weigh in after going a whole month without weighing myself! Second, I have lots of exciting stuff going on!:) Well... not that much, but anyways. I will start you off with the weigh in!
Previous Weight (10/5) - 161.6
Current Weight (11/5) - 158.2
Weight Lost - 3.4 Pounds
Total Weight Lost - 73.2 Pounds
I did it! Hit my 70 pound mark!:) Who knows how soon I actually hit that mark, considering I was at 69.8 pounds lost on my last weigh in. Probably hit it sometime in October;)
I was kind of hoping for a bigger loss, but I can't complain! That's pretty decent, considering my losses have slowed down a lot since I've gotten closer to my goal weight. I'm really hoping to get to my goal weight of 150 by January 9th, 2012! That's my original start date of the Biggest Loser. I really want to get a new tattoo then!:)
The picture above is me at Bobby and Laura's Halloween party! It was a blast! Charlie and I dressed up as Military Zombie's! I like that picture because I think my legs look so skinny!! It's sweet:)
So since I hit my 70 pound mark, I need a reward! Charlie and I went to Arundel Mills the other day and I found a pair of boots I REALLY wanted, but I was going to get them as a Christmas present. I really don't want to wait that long, so I asked Charlie if that could be my reward and he said yes!:) Yay!
<-- These are the boots. Unity by Carlos Santana "Hayden" I love them!! So cute!:) Now I will have a pair of Gray, Black and Tan boots!:) The good thing about boots is my shoe size won't ever change;) Although the boots I had from last year fit me SO much better around the calves now!! It's great!:) I think I will get these on Monday!
So last night, Friday night, I slept in at the firehouse. It was a relatively quiet night. We got one call. But on the way back we encountered something crazy. I can't say much, but in short... Guy standing in the middle of the road, pants around his ankles, staring at us. Cops were called and he was arrested. lol! Was not expecting that!
Things are going really well with PGFD. I got called on Monday for my Psych Evaluation. I go on Monday the 14th! So that's good... things are moving forward:) I really hope things work out!
In other news... lots of good little things have been happening to me lately. We call them "NSV's" on myfitnesspal, which stands for Non-Scale Victories!
I'm a solid size 11 in jeans. Bought a few pairs at TJMaxx:)
I'm definitely a size Medium, in lots of things!
People keep asking if me and Roch are twins!! I love it!:)
The guys at the firehouse call me Rochelle... sometimes I can't tell if they are serious or joking! Either way:)
I got a long sleeve size SMALL shirt at the firehouse! Granted, it's a men's shirt, but still!!
People at work constantly say I'm so skinny! Even though I don't agree, it's still cool to hear! Never considered myself skinny... ever in my life!!
So yup... good stuff! And... I have so many fun events coming up!!
Thursday... going to spin with Sam and Caitlin and then possibly out? Fat Daddy's?? Who knows!
Sunday the 13th... Veteran's Day 10k in DC!
Monday... my psych eval then JUNK FOOD PARTY at Sam's!! I know, such a bad idea... but genius at the same time! Seriously... we deserve to splurge every once in awhile!! Just think pizza, McDonald's and Popeye's... mmm!!
Thursday - Twilight! Sushi King apparently? I don't know all the details:)
Thursday the 24th... running a 5k on Main Street! My stomping grounds! Then THANKSGIVING! My favorite holiday! Can't wait to stuff my face:)
Saturday the 26th... another 5k in Laurel! Possibly with Jo, my sister in-law? If her foot is healed enough:)
I think that's it?? I dunno. Sam and I have been discussing pretty much our whole next YEAR so I kinda get confused:)
The only thing coming up which isn't so fun is Charlie's surgery. He's having an outpatient surgery on Tuesday at John Hopkins. Nervous for him, but he's so tough:) I know he'll be ok! Please send good thoughts his way!:)
Sooo. It's daylight savings time. Which means I just now get to relive 1am, yet again! Yahoo.... Hey, maybe I should be thankful for getting more time to live. Oh, and 1 extra hour on my paycheck! Yay!:)
Anyways... I guess that's all my news. I know it was such random stuff. Trying to decide when I should do my weigh ins now. I was thinking every other week possibly? Or maybe just back to every week. What do you all think?
Ok, well, time to go back to work! Thanks for reading people:) Happy DST!
this is angela, you look so good with the rice! I'm also a size 11 in jeans and I weigh about 130 so don't be upset if that doesn't keep going down.