I love that song. It always makes me stop and think, am I happy with my life? Is it what I want it to be?
No, it wasn't. But now that I made the effort to make it better, I love it.
For anyone who says "I've tried to lose weight, I just can't do it."
Stop lying to yourself. That just means you didn't actually try, or, you're lying to yourself saying "you tried" when really you were sitting on the couch, watching TV, and eating potato chips. You have to really want it. You have to try with your whole heart and give it everything you've got. If you truly want it, you can lose weight.
I would know. I used the same excuses. I always would attempt to lose weight and fail. But that's because I wasn't giving it my all and I didn't really want it. You have to get in the mindset that you can do it. You have to believe in yourself, be strong, have confidence, and don't be afraid to push yourself past your limits.
"I just don't have the motivation, or the time..."
Yes you do. Another excuse. Do you think I really wanted to work a 12 hour shift, come home and go for a run? No. I wanted to go to bed and get as much sleep as possible before going back to work that night. But I would think, is losing 30 minutes of sleep really going to kill me? No. That 30 minutes of running is going to make a difference when I get on the scale though.
Everyone has time to work out. If you have time to go out to eat, to sit down and watch your favorite TV show, to go on facebook, to stop by McDonald's and shove a cheeseburger in your mouth, then yes, you have time to exercise!!!
You seriously have to stop the excuses, stop lying to yourself! If you honestly want to lose weight, you can. Trust me. I was the most lazy, unmotivated person ever. But something in me just snapped and I decided "this is it" and I changed my whole entire life. I didn't just change the way I eat, or add a little exercise to my daily routine. I changed everything. I always stop and think about what I'm putting in my mouth before I do it. I have to think if that piece of candy is really worth it. I am constantly thinking about what exercise I'm going to do and if I don't workout I feel so guilty. I've been in bed before, about to go to sleep, but I was overcome with guilt for not working out, so I got out of bed and worked out!
I'm not saying this is easy. It's definitely hard. It's not just a temporary thing, it's a lifestyle change. But if you're committed to it, and you're honest with yourself, then you will succeed.
I don't mean to sound so cliche, but if I can do it, you can do it.
Now that my rant is over, I can tell you about my awesome day!
Yesterday Phebe came over to my house around 2pm and we went to Wheaton Regional Park. It was a beautiful day out. The temperature was in the 80's. It was actually kind of hot!
We walked through the wooded path and around the fishing lake first, then around the garden/pond area twice! Our second time around I ran for about 3/4 of the distance. It was probably only 5 minutes or so, but it felt great. I'm not used to running outside too much since I usually run on the treadmill, so it's a little different, but I loved it!
We walked for a total of 57 minutes at a brisk pace. Darn, 3 minutes shy of an hour! lol:)
As you can see from my pictures, there's tons of turtles there and they love to sunbathe. I think they're actually over populated. There are so many!! There's also snapping turtles, which is not cool.
When we were going around the ponds, there was a small snapping turtle trying to cross the path, so I was going to pick him up and just move him to the other side but he jumped and snapped at me! And hissed!! Rude. I was like "forget you then!' and left him lol. Idiot.
After our walk we went to Columbia Mall. We went in to Sephora... so dangerous! I got those two nail polish colors, "Ocean Love Potion" and "Break-a-Legwarmer" lol:) I love them! Phebe got 3 really cute purple colors and some mascara! Successful trip.
After the mall we stopped by Dick's Sporting Good's and shopped around. I'm starting to like that place a lot! Uh oh... lol:) Phebe got some new work out capri's and I got a new workout tank top and a sports bra. Both purple! Yay!:)
Next up was dinner. We wanted to get sushi since it's not too bad in the calorie department. If I haven't mentioned, Phebe is also using MFP and doing AWESOME! So now we can eat healthy together too!:)
I had heard of this place called "Sushi Sono" in Columbia. A lot of people said good things about it. So we went there. It's in a really unsuspecting place. Office buildings, parking lots. Then you get to it and it's so cute! It's right on the water too! It's such a quaint little spot with a wonderful view.
The service was excellent. The waiters even dress up in traditional (I think) Japanese outfits. They're really pretty.
The sushi was fabulous! I might even say better than Hanami in College Park! (Yikes!) It was SO fresh. It also came out super fast! I was impressed.
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She turns really Asian looking when she eats Sushi! lol |
(Sorry, my blog is being stupid and won't let me write text next to my pictures!!)
I ordered a green salad, shrimp tempura roll, Boston roll, and a royal crab roll. Mmm! The green salad was typical, shrimp tempura roll was good, Boston roll was amazing! It didn't even have mayo and lettuce like the ones at Hanami but I liked it better! It was so fresh tasting. The shrimp was really yummy!
I didn't even know what bonito flakes were, but ordered it anyway lol. It's the one on the left in the picture:)
It was REALLY good! Very different than the usual rolls I get. You bite it and first taste crab, then crunchiness, then a really delicious warm mayo taste. Fabulous! I loved it. Although I just googled "bonito flakes" and it turns out it's a type of fish, in the tuna category, that they smoke and then make shavings out of... *shivers* Ummm, but either way, it was still good!! lol. I might just ask for no flakes next time, but it might change the flavor since it did give it a smokiness^_^
Phebe got Philly rolls also and they were great! I'm usually not a fan of Philly rolls, but I actually liked these. So fresh! That was my favorite part about this place... everything was super fresh lol:)
They give you this really cute gum with the check. Really cool! I like that much better than mints!:)
To end our already wonderful day, we went to the nail salon. Unfortunately, the one I always go to is closed on Mondays, so we went up the street to another one. It's pretty decent. We got there at 7pm and they close at 8pm. There was only 2 people working and they already had other people waiting so it kind of sucked. But when we finally got taken care of it was good:)
The pedicures were good, not as good as Maxi Nails, but I did enjoy the massage I got:) They did a really good job on Phebe's eyebrows and I also got a fill in while I was there. I felt bad because they stayed open past their closing time and I made Phebe wait on me for so long lol. She made my nails look really natural which was cool, but the grinder tool she used hurt! It definitely was more painful than the other place I go to, so I will avoid getting fill ins there.
All in all, a GREAT day! I haven't hung out with Phebe in a long time, so it was really nice to catch up and spend quality time together! Love ya Phebe!^_^
Well, it's 6am and I really need to try and go back to sleep! Been awake since 330am. I guess that's what happens when I fall asleep at 10pm:/ lol.
Charlie and I are watching baby Maddie today!! I'm super excited! I'll take some pics:)
Have a great day and be inspired!!
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