Rosemary grilled salmon kabobs |
Well, I think the no rest days finally caught up to me. That, coupled with the fact that I've been working overtime like a mad man! It started on Monday, I had worked at station 1 and went from there to station 30 to workout then do the CPAT conditioning class. I didn't actually think I was teaching the class that night but the person who was supposed to didn't show up, so I took over.
I came up with an awesome little routine for them. We did some pair workouts and then played with the bricks. Then someone decided to ask for more legs so that's what they got! We crushed legs! Wow, even MY legs were killing me. At the very end I even managed to slip some pilates in there!
Well, after an awesome workout, I got in my car to leave and noticed a little pinch in my throat when I swallowed. I didn't think much of it. It seemed to go away. I had some dinner and hung out with Charlie for a little bit then we hit the hay and it started coming back before I fell asleep. When he woke me up the next morning to say goodbye, I could tell it had gotten much worse. I could barely swallow and I was feeling pretty weak. I slept in a little longer and when I got up I took my temperature which turned out to be 100.4 Greaaaaat. So I made a doctors appointment for 1:45.
Egg whites with cocoa powder & strawberries |
So, besides not being able to do my usual killer workouts, I've been ok! I've mostly been working on eating "paleo" now. It's honestly not too bad. It's just hard to resist all the bread and cheese and dairy. Those are my weaknesses. But really, I didn't plan on being super strict paleo anyways. I still want to include grains and dairy in my diet, just not a lot.
Which brings me to the discussion of diets. I was thinking about it recently; how there are so many different "diets" people are on. Weight Watchers, Adkins, Medifast, whatever that shake diet is, and Paleo. I've chose to do paleo as well as still count my calories because counting my calories has always worked for me. It seems to be the one thing that keeps me on track with HOW MUCH I eat, at least. It may not always be the healthiest food, but at least I know it's not too much of a bad thing.
Now that I think about it, diets are almost like religions. Everyone has their own thing and they always think their thing is better. Certain diets seem cult like too. There's no way for me to say which way is the best way to go. My diet has kind of evolved over time. I didn't really pay attention to what I ate when I first started losing weight and I did still lose a lot of weight. But now I'm to the point where I want my body to be in it's prime. To be healthy and strong and energized! I want it to be happy with what I'm feeding it. That's why I chose paleo, because it seems to make the most sense when you read about it. By the way, if anyone is interested in learning about paleo, go to this website and read the 15 tips under "Paleo 101"
That website also has great recipes that we've been trying. The first picture in this blog is a recipe from that site and it was amazing!! So delicious. And after you eat a paleo meal you feel so clean and satisfied and just healthy! I've already noticed some changes in my body and it's helping with my weight too, so I'm sticking with it!
Whichever way you are choosing to lose weight, just remember that it needs to become a permanent lifestyle change. It's not a temporary thing. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to stay consistent with the way you eat. I've already learned the hard way that if you go back to your old ways, the weight will come back, fast!
Another topic I wanted to discuss was exercise. Lately, I've had a few people approach me and ask for tips or help with working out. I've even had people ask me to basically personally train them, which is surprising because I definitely am not a personal trainer. I think it's very flattering that people would come to me with those types of questions, but I find it very hard to answer them.
People seem to ask me questions that come off like they are looking for a simple solution to their problems. They want to know some "quick tips" or my "secrets." I definitely don't have any secrets. I think I make it pretty clear that all I do is bust my butt working out every day. It is simple. Eat less, workout more. That's all it comes down to. But there's no way that I can physically give people the motivation they need to get started. Everyone asks me "What clicked for you?" and I just don't know what to say! I never had an "A-ha" moment where everything just made sense. It all just slowly came together for me and I began to develop a love and passion for working out. I just can't tell people how to feel that same way!
So I apologize to anyone who is looking for help from me. I wish I could tell you there was a magic pill, but there's not. It takes lots of hard work and dedication. Sweat and tears. Ups and downs. 2 steps forward and 1 step back kind of deal. But if you give it your all and never lose sight of your goals and dreams then you will get there, I promise.
Well I must be off to go lay on the couch and sulk about being sick. The best part has been watching "Orange Is The New Black" all day. That show is AWESOME! Highly recommend it!
Oh, by the way, I've reached over 1,000 views!!! Yay!! Thank you wonderful people:-)