Either way, I spent these three days off mostly trying to get rid of my Gettysburg weight. So yeah, no weigh in for me this week! Haha. I didn't gain a lot, but enough to get on my nerves and feel depressed about it. I just hate how frickin hard it is to lose 1 pound, but to gain 5 is sooooo easy! It can be so frustrating. And I can tell so easily when I've put on just a little. I see it. I think every single time I go to the bathroom I stare at myself in the mirror and critique my body for a few minutes until it makes me mad and I just move on.
I try my best to be positive, but sometimes I need to be hard on myself if I wanna make any progress. When I start to let things slide is when I start to gain weight. So I must be my toughest critic. I am being positive by not telling you how much weight I gained though! I'm sure I can get it off pretty quick... hopefully. I really don't like setbacks, but I know they will happen every now and then so I just try to accept it and move along.
After that I came home and went to the mall to get my eyebrows did. I like getting my eyebrows threaded so I go to this place at Columbia mall. I always try to get the same lady because she does an awesome job! While I was there I decided to make a little pit stop at Elite (Sports Authority) and look for some new shoes. I wanted some that I could wear while lifting and doing my classes like Kickboxing and Total Conditioning. I needed something more light and stable. My shoes are all running shoes so they're really not meant for the kind of workouts I do.
I think when I get off work tomorrow night I'll stop by 30 and get my sweat on. I'm definitely gonna try some of the workouts I saw at CrossFit today. I'd be too scared to try them at LifeTime because I'd probably mess up and embarrass myself! Hahaha!
Ok, I have a question for people. I encountered an issue tonight. I always have this problem... Peeling hard boiled eggs! Arghhhh. I've tried a few tricks that people have told me and still I always end up with some ratchet looking eggs! I got this plastic egg timer thing from William Sonoma and I thought it worked great at first. You're supposed to leave the egg in the water until the egg timer turns a certain color then take them out of the water. I've also tried adding salt to the water and that didn't work. Anyone have any advice?!
I'm starting to freak out. 1 more week till we head to Nags Head, NC for a week. I'm excited obviously but my paranoid workout addict self is kicking in and I'm so worried I'm going to gain like 50 pounds while I'm away. I'm hoping that my crazy workout streak will keep me committed to doing something every day. Even if it's just something small, I have to. And I really, really need to watch what I eat. I need to not give into my bad vacation habits. I'm going to come up with a chant to tell myself over and over again before we get there and throughout the trip!
One last thing before I hit the hay. Has anyone tried getting wrapped? It seems like the new craze and luckily I know someone who does it so I am going to give it a try! I've heard from a few people that they've had good results. Even if it is just temporary, I'm still willing to give it a shot. Even if it just makes my flabby stomach look a little better before the beach, I'll be happy! I'll make sure to take before and after pics/measurements so I can post them on here. I'm going Tuesday so I will update after that!:-)
I'm tired now! Bed time for me. Hope tomorrow isn't too busy on the ambulance!
Have a wonderful weekend peeps!
P.S. I love hearing from people that they read my blog! It's such a pleasant surprise and it makes me happy. BTW, I'm almost at 10,000 views!!! I <3 you guys!